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InsurTech emerged as a sector within the global insurance industry around a decade ago as innovative start-ups looked to deploy technology to transform the insurance industry. InsurTech start-ups now number in the thousands with new entrants continuing to look for ways to modernise the insurance industry. The Future at Lloyd’s initiative is one of several opportunities for innovation and change, with several companies investing in the development of new tools to drive up revenue and drive down costs.


Where next for M&A in the insurtech sector?

Business may have slowed but there is still plenty of interest in insurtech investments

International Legal focus

Using insurtech to gain advantage as the market softens

Some insurers are making big profits and resting on their laurels, others are preparing for the soft market battle ahead

Viewpoint Insurtech

Viewpoint: The push for managing general agents in Europe

The demand for managing general agents in continental Europe has been rising over the past few years, offering carriers ample opportunities to expand geographically and develop new coverages and products to address the ever-changing risks their clients face

Europe United Kingdom

How prospective syndicates help Lloyd’s think outside the box

Asta and Greenlight Re describe the widening appeal of the syndicate-in-a-box mechanism

Asta Europe

Viewpoint: Will the great insurtech debate empower or disintermediate brokers?

Brokers see the power of technology and recognise the need to implement insurtech solutions or be left behind – but making that pivot is going to be easier for some

United Kingdom Broker

Insurtechs tap market gaps to grow in Latin America

Inefficient processes and ignored consumers are creating opportunities for the region’s entrepreneurs, but start-ups are facing funding and regulatory challenges

South America Insurtech

'Culture is vital if insurtech leaders are to get ahead in the race for talent'

It is often too easy for a start-up’s founders to end up consumed by funding and scaling at the expense of shaping a culture that will support the company’s growth

Viewpoint Insurtech

'Blockchain will radically transform the microinsurance market'

Insurtechs are working with insurers and distribution partners to drive economic growth in developing regions, and create sustainable, resilient futures for underserved communities

Technology International

Focus: The industry must continue to drive claims management into the insurtech era

The industry can’t afford to take its foot off the gas pedal with respect to digitalisation, especially given the significant momentum that it has gained over the last 12 months

Claims Management Insurtech

Focus: Four trends in insurtech that are transforming the market

The insurtech landscape is evolving rapidly and it is critical to understand the main business models that are shaping the future of the market at present

Insurtech International

Focus: Slow authorisation is a threat to London’s insurtech status

The FCA estimates the authorisation process for new insurtech ventures takes between three to four months – in reality it is taking up to 12 months

Focus Insurtech

Focus: Insurtech ecosystem will overcome London's legacy challenges

The development of new technology ecosystems is the most effective way to break down silos and achieve systems integration and genuine collaboration in the London market

Focus London
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