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Printed By


Ben Margulies


Ben joined Insurance Day in 2024 from Infopro Digital, where he covered central banks.


Before embarking on a career in journalism, Ben was a lecturer at the Universities of Essex and Brighton.


He has a PhD in government from the University of Essex, a Master’s in comparative politics from the London School of Economics and Political Science and a Bachelor of Science degree in politics from New York University.

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While Donald Trump has pledged wide-ranging changes to US policy in areas such as trade and immigration, the insurance sector is not expected to see significant changes, including hoped-for tort reform, one conservative lobbyist argues

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BMS extends acquisition streak with Rasher purchase

Specialist broker buys Spanish intermediary with LatAm presence

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Lloyd’s urged to continue regulatory streamlining

Market must do more to reduce regulatory burden in 2025, LMA official says

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Talanx beats 2025 financial targets

German re/insurance group cites strong growth outside home market

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Generali tops Insure Our Future green scorecard

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BMA proposes changes to re/insurance group oversight

Bermuda regulator wants direct power over holding companies

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