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KCC issues Hurricane Francine estimate of $1.5bn

Estimate includes privately insured damage to residential, commercial and industrial properties and vehicles, as well as business interruption

United States Property

Allianz taps AIG's Lillelund for AGCS chief executive

German insurance giant hires AIG executive to lead big-ticket business

Allianz Casualty

London company market premiums climb 10% to £48.4bn in 2023

Property premiums surged to £12bn last year, as marine becomes third-largest company market class and cyber continues strong growth

London Property

Insured loss from Quebec floods in August pegged at nearly C$2.5bn

Quebec flooding, combined with Jasper wildfire, Calgary hailstorm and Ontario flooding have generated 228,000 catastrophe-related claims, more than double last year's total for July and August

Property Canada

Consensus is building on the need for longer business interruption indemnity periods for hospitality sector

While the risks faced by businesses in the hospitality sector remain relatively stable, the time needed to recover and restore operations to pre-loss conditions is frequently underestimated

United Kingdom Property

Sentry to acquire American Family non-standard motor unit for $1.7bn

Acquisition will complement US multi-line carrier's existing Dairyland non-standard motor business

United States Property

Ileana approaches Baja as Francine continues to flood south-east US

Hurricane Francine downgraded to a post-tropical cyclone

Mexico United States

Insured loss from Calgary hailstorm approaches C$2.8bn

August hailstorms are the country's second-costliest disaster on record

Canada Property

Francine upgraded to category two storm before hitting Louisiana

Francine is the third hurricane to make US landfall this year, following Beryl and Debby, and the first to hit Louisiana since Ida in 2021

United States Property

Gallagher Re puts potential Francine losses at more than $1bn

Hurricane expected to make landfall along the Louisiana coast on September 11

United States Property

Property drives Q2 slowdown in US commercial rates

Commercial insurance rate increases slow to 5.9% in the second quarter from a hike of 6.3% during the first quarter, WTW survey finds

United States Casualty

Lloyd’s performance remains untested: Argenta

Despite remedial work to reduce catastrophe exposure, investors need to see the market can still make money when the wind blows

London Lloyds
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