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In-depth opinion and analysis on the issues shaping the re/insurance market.


Focus: Changing dynamics in the upstream energy market

For energy clients, high oil price set against the backdrop of the drive towards net zero means that their risks are evolving all the time

Focus Energy

Focus: The re/insurance industry has a role in tackling global energy security

The re/insurance industry must prioritise its ability to provide a diversity of solutions in response to growing public concern about climate change

Focus Energy

Focus: The energy industry is facing challenges on multiple fronts

Rapidly escalating energy prices are having an impact on business interruption exposures. However, the debate about market prices has overshadowed moves by the EU to overhaul its emissions regulations as the world moves to net zero

Focus Energy

Focus: APIs are key as London market turns to ecosystems

Ecosystems are ushering in a new era in London’s modernisation and brokers, carriers and managing general agents must ensure their operating models are fit for purpose

London Focus

Focus: For Blueprint Two, the market needs to modernise its change processes

To succeed in its attempts at modernisation the market must update procurement processes, open up the central function and remain mindful of the customer throughout

Market Modernisation London

Focus: The dream scenario is integration across the Lloyd's market

Companies that move too slowly risk falling behind permanently as moderinsation momentum builds

Market Modernisation Lloyds

Focus: Firms must be fit for market transformation

The London’s market modernisation plans have speed and data at their heart

Market Modernisation Focus

Focus: The Rims annual migration resumes

Rims begins again, presenting another opportunity for the London market to demonstrate its value

Focus Risk Management

Focus: Fat tails, black swans, and other pitfalls of our interconnected world

An uncertain threat landscape makes risk management – and risk managers – more important than ever

Focus Risk Management

Focus: The case for neurodivergence in insurance

The insurance industry can and should provide great career paths for neurodistinct people, but there's much we can do to make it more neurodistinct-friendly

Focus Diversity

Metrics are key to DEI initiatives

Using business metrics means you can monitor how well your company is doing with diversity and talent management

Focus Diversity

Focus: The rise of the generalist in specialty insurance

The insurance world is full of experts in their fields, but it also needs generalists

Focus Diversity
See All
