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In-depth opinion and analysis from the industry’s thought leaders.


Flight to quality: cyber risks in aviation

The CrowdStrike incident serves as a stark reminder not all cyber or technology loss events are deliberate attacks

International Aviation

Data strategy and the modernisation puzzle

The insurance sector collects, processes and analyses a veritable feast of data, a situation that is becoming increasingly complicated as the use of generative AI accelerates and establishes itself as mainstream

London Technology

Big tech may hold the keys to the open insurance door

While major technology companies have little incentive to get involved in insurance as insurers themselves, they have a role to play as providers and managers of data 

United Kingdom Viewpoint

Cyber insurance is more than just risk transfer

Increasingly, the true value of a cyber insurance programme is derived from the broader risk advisory expertise and value-added service provided across the entire risk life cycle

London Lloyds

How to proactively modernise the insurance industry

Ultimately, the aim of a proactive insurance model is to decrease the number of claims being made

Viewpoint Claims Management

Regulators should recognise the London market's differences

The Financial Conduct Authority’s discussion paper on proportionality is an opportunity to turn back the tide on London market regulation

London Lloyds

Plugging the management liability risk gap

Large corporates may be familiar with D&O cover, but many smaller organisations are unaware of the risks or mistakenly believe they have little or no exposure to them

United Kingdom Casualty

Tackling undeclared goods will stem the growing cost of marine fires

The fight against undeclared goods in marine shipping is not just about reducing the frequency and severity of fires but also about protecting lives, safeguarding the environment and preserving valuable cargo

International Marine

Sustaining MGA success when the market softens

We are at the beginning of the end of a hard market and London market managing general agents would do well to prepare for the next insurance winter

London Lloyds

The London market cannot be complacent if it is to maintain its status

London must continue to drive new product innovation in areas like green technology and ensure it can offer the full range of risk transfer tools

London Specialty

Technology is revolutionising the claims process

Claims payments are a key opportunity for insurance companies to prove their value, leaving a lasting impression of professionalism and care

Viewpoint Claims Management

Everybody wins in a digitised insurance market

Powered by insurance technology, traditional barriers are fading, as insurers converge in a collaborative digital landscape

Willis Towers Watson Viewpoint
See All
