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People Moves



Aon expands Bermuda reinsurance team

Broker hires former Peak Re and Acacia Holdings executive Cheng as part of strategy to expand property specialty retrocession, local facultative and captive reinsurance platform

Bermuda Aon

Mitchell-Wallace leaves Lloyd’s

Lloyd’s director of portfolio risk management is understood to be leaving for another role in the market

People moves Lloyds

BMS Re names Melvin US president and chief executive

Melvin joins from Aon, where he was US regional insurer group president

United States Reinsurance

Acrisure Re makes international treaty leadership changes

Broker promotes David Sowrey to managing director and Nigel Dane named chairman of London-based unit

London Reinsurance

Beazley names Merl to lead Germany, Austria and Switzerland

Merl joins from Swiss Re, where he was senior distribution manager

Europe Beazley

Brit hires Guy Carp's Stephenson to lead Bermuda expansion

Bermuda platform ‘an important new growth pillar’ for the specialty carrier’s reinsurance business that will complement syndicate offering

Bermuda Brit

Dale enters international professional indemnity market

Lloyd’s carrier hires Ryan Barnes from Westfield Specialty to lead new line 

London Lloyds

Amwins appoints Trivitt to lead portfolio solutions underwriting

Wholesale broker hires Axis Capital's Trivitt as underwriting director of its Beazley-backed Amwins Amplify business

London Broker

Miller expands sports and entertainment business into Asia

Broker continues regional expansion of sports and entertainment offering with strategic hire

Asia Pacific Broker

Aspen names Spires as deputy group general counsel

Former Lloyd’s general counsel joins Bermuda-based carrier

Bermuda Aspen

Helios appoints Aegis CFO Wade as non-exec

Lloyd’s investment vehicle adds industry veteran Wade to board of directors

London Lloyds
See All
