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Offshore energy underwriting changing with decarbonisation: Iumi

Claims from offshore energy sector’s ‘reactivation’ have been largely benign, but 2023 witnessed an increase in losses, International Union of Marine Insurance warns

International Specialty

From climate risk to resilience: what insurers must do next

It is becoming clear that the insurance sector must join the debate, leveraging its unique position to advocate for science-based policies

International Property

Collaboration needed to meet challenge of new primary perils

Events such as floods, wildfires, hailstorms and winter storms are now integral to the evolving risk landscape

North America Property

Axa XL unveils ‘optimising resilience’ research on hurricanes

Cambridge Centre for Risk Studies research evaluates risk mitigation against more frequent and severe North American hurricanes

North America Property

Market ‘able to absorb’ another hurricane loss: Guy Carpenter

Reinsurers are in a stronger position this year to face an active storm season, broker’s chairman, David Priebe, and head of peril advisory, Josh Darr, say

International Guy Carpenter / Marsh

Average annual insured catastrophe loss hits new high of $151bn

Rise in global insured catastrophe losses attributed to rapid urban expansion and exposure growth, the impact of climate change and variability, and rising frequency of events coupled with economic and social inflation

North America International

Ferma calls for EU working group on climate protection gap

Federation of European Risk Management Associations says permanent body needed to advise on EU climate adaptation strategy 

Europe Risk Management

Federal agency calls for more subsidies and fewer regulations to boost US insurance availability

Congressional Budget Office has made several recommendations to make it easier for homeowners and renters to find coverage

United States Property

Aon collaborates with Future Climate to boost voluntary carbon market

Initiative aims to drive conservation financing for forest carbon projects in Brazil

Brazil Aon

Surging seas are a global risk: Guterres

World Meteorological Organization report on Pacific Islands argues robust disaster risk management strategies and resilient infrastructure are needed

Asia Pacific Risk Management

California consults on cat modelling rule

Proposal lets insurers use models if they boost fire cover in high-risk areas

United States Property

Gearing up for the Atlantic hurricane debate at RVS Monte Carlo

It is generally accepted in hurricane science there will be no increase in the number of tropical cyclones as a result of sea water warming, but they will be stronger and more destructive

Viewpoint Hurricane Season
See All
