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Market modernisation

News, insight and comment on how the re/insurance market is changing for the future.

Market Modernisation

New York releases final AI guidance for insurers

Supervisors expect carriers to prevent discrimination and establish AI management structures

United States Regulation

Blueprint Two phase one cutover 'not before 2025'

Year-end reporting and the January 1 renewals mean a cutover to the new digital platform cannot take place before February 2025, LMA chief executive, Sheila Cameron, says

London Market Modernisation

Blueprint Two phase one postponed amid testing delays

Velonetic says testing is running around eight weeks late but has not put a timeline on a new cutover date

London Lloyds

InsurX appoints Watson as chairman

Canopius founder joins digital risk exchange 

London Market Modernisation

Whitespace set to roll out workflow automation

Electronic trading platform’s first workflow automation solution launches in the second half of this year

London Technology

Acord expands standards to include facultative insurance

Version 1.3 supports the electronic placement of all reinsurance contract types, the standard-setting body said

Reinsurance Digitalisation

Amwins launches multi-line quoting platform

The platform will combine the convenience of online quoting with the Amwins’ scale and capabilities, the wholesale broker says

North America Property

Blueprint Two phase one cutover delayed until October

Lloyd’s Market Association welcomes decision, which will give market participants more time for testing

London Lloyds

Indian insurance regulator passes reforms

Regulator lays groundwork for digital insurance market

India Regulation

Innovation must focus on products not tech: Horton

Emphasis must remain on the fundamentals including efficient policy issuance and claims processing, QBE's chief executive Andrew Horton says

International QBE

Viewpoint: How underwriting workbenches are driving growth

Traditional approaches to underwriting have long been plagued by inefficiencies, costing insurers billions in lost premiums and stifling growth opportunities

London Market Modernisation
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