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London Market

News and analysis on Lloyd's and the London company market


Arch stock gains surge past 50% for 2024

Bermudian groups lead outperformance by insurance stocks in the past fortnight

Europe United Kingdom

Insurers should welcome latest ruling on arbitration

Privy Council’s decision in Sian Participation Corp (in liquidation) v Halimeda International affirms a party choosing arbitration will not be limited in its choice of future legal remedies

United Kingdom Claims Management

FCA looks to balance protection and competitiveness with 'large risks' proposals

Discussion paper 25/1 on ‘contracts of large risks’ reflects a pragmatic approach to improving customer protection, while continuing to focus on the competitiveness of the UK insurance market 

United Kingdom Legal focus

How Labour can reform the motor insurance market

The insurance industry, government and consumer groups must work together to implement solutions that promote fairness, transparency and sustainability in the motor insurance market

United Kingdom Casualty

Will FCA listing rule changes mean more investor claims?

New disclosure-based regime raises prospect of more FSMA section 90 and section 90A-related claims

United Kingdom Casualty

European carriers lead insurance stocks recovery

Swiss Re's shares jump following profit beat, as European carriers and Bermuda stocks have strong week

Europe United Kingdom

Insurers face wave of claims after Covid-19 lockdown garden bloom

UK Supreme Court's decision in Davies v Bridgend County Borough Council has serious implications for property owners and their insurers in relation to invasive plants 

United Kingdom Legal focus

Insurers are responding to the risk revolution

The pandemic has accelerated the insurance industry’s response to emerging risks by driving digital transformation, strengthening operational resilience and improving consumer protection

United Kingdom Legal focus

UK risk managers support mandatory AI code

Three-quarters of respondents to survey by Airmic said code should be mandatory

Europe United Kingdom

UK insurance M&A maintains momentum in first half

MarshBerry says deals are proceeding at close to ‘record’ 2023 pace so far this year

United Kingdom Mergers and Acquisitions

Lloyd’s chief of markets to take medical leave

Lloyd’s markets chief, Patrick Tiernan, will be out for ‘several weeks’ following surgery on his spine

United Kingdom Lloyds of London

Beazley leads way as insurance stocks bounce back

Lloyd’s group gains 14% as insurance segment outperforms wider stock market in equities recovery

United Kingdom North America
See All
