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Reinsurers’ catastrophe budgets ‘can withstand $50bn Milton industry loss’

Double blow of hurricanes Helene and Milton could threaten smaller carriers focused on Florida, analysts warn

United States Property

Fears of $50bn-plus loss event as Milton barrels towards Florida

A landfall just north of Tampa Bay would be the industry’s worst-case scenario, leading to very significant losses that would hit reinsurers as well as primary carriers

United States Hurricane Season

MNK Group establishes Malaysian reinsurance business

New reinsurance business Pt Mekong Re will focus on aviation, construction, property, energy and forestry

Asia Pacific Malaysia

Starwind launches $270m Fractal Re sidecar

Programme manager partners with Stone Point Credit on casualty-focused collateralised reinsurer

North America Casualty

Pine Walk launches specialty reinsurance MGA

Silverflame Re will focus on marine, energy and composite and credit and surety

Marine Distribution

Miller completes Bruzon acquisition

Broker broadens European footprint with acquisition of Madrid-based specialty broking and advisory firm

Europe Specialty

Acrisure Re hires Sharpe to lead London-based specialty re team

Re/insurance broker taps Gallagher Re for senior hire for international reinsurance division

London Reinsurance

Reinsurers expected to avoid Helene losses as cat 4 storm misses Tallahassee

But record Tampa Bay storm surge means Helene will likely become one of the 10 largest losses for the National Flood Insurance Progam

United States Property

Burgeoning African market ideal for portfolio diversification

Demand for cover from African businesses is growing as the continental free trade agreement is set to increase the flow of goods and finance, Africa Specialty Risks chief executive says

Middle East and Africa Reinsurance

Lloyd’s partners with World Bank Group to boost guarantees to $20bn by 2030

Initiative aims to support sustainable development and climate change adaption in developing countries 

International Lloyds

Reinsurers grapple with growing PVT volatility

Softening primary rates are difficult to reconcile with the current geopolitical conditions, reinsurers say

International Reinsurance

Fidelis Partnership completes $2bn refinancing

Growth strategy includes broadening the firm’s reach in the Middle East, Africa, Asia and Latin America, expanding its Pine Walk platform and ‘leveraging’ syndicate 3123

Bermuda Reinsurance
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