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ID Comment



How to lose the debate on climate change

Global warming is not a belief nor a point of view, but a threat. However, climate activists who endorse criminal activity are on a hiding to nowhere

International Climate change

Global chaos from Microsoft IT outage highlights systemic cyber threat

Cyber insurers will be scrambling to understand their exposures to the outage as businesses worldwide are affected 

International Cyber

'Build Back Better' needs to be the norm for flood insurers

Just 30% of claims to come through Flood Re have included Build Back Better resilience provisions – that proportion needs to rise

United Kingdom Property

Buyers of cyber insurance are still unclear about what it covers

As penetration of cyber coverage continues to increase, it is important insurers and brokers work with buyers to make sure they are crystal clear on the scope and limits of their coverage

International Specialty

Lloyd’s transition risk code is a welcome addition

New TRX risk code will allow syndicates to ‘dip their toe’ into transition risk

Lloyds ID Comment

Sanctions compliance will continue to challenge marine insurers in the year ahead

The dark fleet now comprises 12% of the global trading fleet, according to Lloyd’s List

International Specialty

Keeping a lid on cyber war is still a priority for Lloyd’s

The corporation’s chief underwriting officer is looking to rein in dispensations given when mandatory cyber war wording was introduced

London Lloyds

Year of elections unlikely to move the needle on PV rates

Despite concern among businesses about the unprecedented number of elections taking place in 2024, the political violence insurance market appears largely unmoved

International Specialty

ID Comment: Still more work to do at Lloyd’s after strong 2023

With a doubling of underwriting profits, the market has delivered an impressive performance in 2023  – but one swallow does not a summer make

London Lloyds

ID Comment: Aviva's Probitas deal is a canny move

The UK composite insurer has been weighing a return to Lloyd’s for some time. In Probitas, Aviva has found a business that presents a remarkably good strategic fit

London Lloyds

ID Comment: Artificial intelligence for re/insurance should be made to fail the Turing test

A human in the loop should be a permanent feature of a re/insurer’s AI strategy

ID Comment Market Modernisation

ID Comment: It's only words… so insurers must not wait for policymakers

The Cop28 deal leaves insurers with no choice but to enable policymakers to go much further in the fight against – and adaptation to – climate change

International Property
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