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Allianz taps AIG's Lillelund for AGCS chief executive

German insurance giant hires AIG executive to lead big-ticket business

Allianz Casualty

London company market premiums climb 10% to £48.4bn in 2023

Property premiums surged to £12bn last year, as marine becomes third-largest company market class and cyber continues strong growth

London Property

Sentry to acquire American Family non-standard motor unit for $1.7bn

Acquisition will complement US multi-line carrier's existing Dairyland non-standard motor business

United States Property
Ireland Casualty

Palomar names Sapia as head of E&S casualty

Specialty insurer hires HDI Global executive to drive growth of new division

United States Casualty

Property drives Q2 slowdown in US commercial rates

Commercial insurance rate increases slow to 5.9% in the second quarter from a hike of 6.3% during the first quarter, WTW survey finds

United States Casualty

Wildfires prompt evacuations in California and Nevada

Cooler weather is expected to moderate fire activity later this week

United States Property

Munich Re ‘will not hesitate to give up volume’ in troubled US liability

Capital is adequate but reinsurance market is not ‘super-hot’, senior executives say

Munich Re Casualty

Axis eyes $600m growth initiatives as it continues specialty drive

Bermuda-based carrier remains ‘very cautious’ about casualty reinsurance business, senior executives tell Insurance Day

Bermuda Axis Capital

Social inflation drives 57% increase in US liability claims over 10 years: Swiss Re

Signs social inflation is starting to impact other jurisdictions such as UK, Australia and Canada, reinsurance giant warns

International United States

Casualty cedants face tough renewal talks amid reserve adequacy fears

As the Rendez-Vous de Septembre begins, cedants and their brokers are gearing up for challenging renewal discussions ahead of casualty covers incepting on January 1

International North America

Insurers should welcome latest ruling on arbitration

Privy Council’s decision in Sian Participation Corp (in liquidation) v Halimeda International affirms a party choosing arbitration will not be limited in its choice of future legal remedies

United Kingdom Claims Management
See All


