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Legal Focus



Court rules against the defence for 'what ifs'

A recent case has potentially far-reaching consequences for brokers and their professional indemnity insurers

United Kingdom Casualty

Insurers must prepare for a rise in cyber crime

The growing ability of threat actors to make use of AI is contributing to the rise in cyber crime, with supply chain attacks a particular concern

United Kingdom Cyber

Insurance risk and reward in the summer of sport

The insurance industry will play a critical role in protecting this summer’s array of sporting events

International Casualty

EPL cover vital amid rising health and safety concerns

Despite studies showing companies that fail to protect themselves can incur significant fines, many still do not have employment practices liability cover in place

Legal focus United Kingdom

Risk revolution is driving transformative changes for the insurance industry

The industry has had to accelerate its work on digital transformation, consumer protection and mental health in response to the pandemic, leading to a raft of legislative and policy developments in these areas  

Legal focus United Kingdom

Serial defect claims in offshore wind projects will challenge insurers

New technologies and the increasing scale of renewable energy projects will help the energy transition, but will also present a significant risk for the industry

International Legal focus

Brazil's unfavourable new insurance rules are a potential threat to the industry

Bill will bring significant and critical legal and regulatory changes, which insurers, reinsurers and brokers operating in Brazil should carefully evaluate

Brazil Casualty

FCA set to ramp up greenwashing probes

Clamping down on greenwashing is a focus for the FCA and more investigations will relate to breaches of the rules. Financial lines insurers can expect an increased frequency of claims in this area

United Kingdom Regulation

A cross-sector analysis of claims inflation

Claims inflation continues to challenge the insurance industry and affects various lines of business in different ways

United Kingdom Casualty

Should wordings trump commercial business sense?

UK Court of Appeal considers the construction of policy terms in two recent decisions

United Kingdom Legal focus

Navigating the storm(s)

Butlin’s case is a reminder of the need for transparency and clarity regarding the terms of cover amid rising weather-related claims

United Kingdom Property

Evolving drone regulation creates data opportunity for insurers

Extended drone use in the UK creates risks but also allows insurers to gather more data

United Kingdom Legal focus
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