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Will Reddie and Bob Haken

Will Reddie and Bob Haken are partners at HFW

Latest From Will Reddie and Bob Haken

FCA looks to balance protection and competitiveness with 'large risks' proposals

Discussion paper 25/1 on ‘contracts of large risks’ reflects a pragmatic approach to improving customer protection, while continuing to focus on the competitiveness of the UK insurance market 

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Where next for M&A in the insurtech sector?

Business may have slowed but there is still plenty of interest in insurtech investments

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Legal Focus: Why Lloyd’s banner year could drive an M&A surge

The market’s strong financial results may now stoke interest from new entrants seeking to benefit from favourable returns, and incumbents looking to increase or dispose of existing holdings

London Lloyds

Legal Focus: PRA's third-country consultation could mean change ahead

Firms may find the regulator’s willingness to accept a branch application is reduced, leading more firms to operate through a subsidiary

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