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Printed By


Francis Churchill


Francis joined Insurance Day in 2022 as a reporter and within a year was promoted to deputy editor.


Francis joined from People Management magazine, where he was the news editor. Before that he was a reporter at Supply Management magazine. He has also contributed articles for The Guardian and the Frontline Club Charitable Trust.


He has a Master’s degree in international journalism from the University of London and a Bachelor of Arts (Hons) degree in politics and international relations from the University of Kent.


At Insurance Day, Francis supports the editor in the daily operations of the editorial team.

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LMA welcomes new Lloyd’s fee structure

Under the simplified structure most syndicates will pay a flat rate of 1% capped at gross written premiums of £3bn

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Half of UK businesses look to increase cyber cover after CrowdStrike

The outage changed perceptions of cyber risks among businesses, QBE survey finds

United Kingdom Specialty

Burgeoning African market ideal for portfolio diversification

Demand for cover from African businesses is growing as the continental free trade agreement is set to increase the flow of goods and finance, Africa Specialty Risks chief executive says

Middle East and Africa Reinsurance

Reinsurers grapple with growing PVT volatility

Softening primary rates are difficult to reconcile with the current geopolitical conditions, reinsurers say

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Lloyd’s is taking a common sense approach to market discipline

Continued warnings about complacency belie the fact the market is heading in the right direction

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Lloyd’s underwriters not doing enough on US general liability

Managing agents have already materially reduced line sizes, but chief underwriting officer, Rachel Turk, questions if this is enough

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