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Hermès Marangos

Hermès Marangos is a partner at Signature Litigation

Latest From Hermès Marangos

The CrowdStrike incident is serious and the legal ramifications cannot be ignored

Companies and individuals must have known CrowdStrike’s Falcon software was used by many interconnected and dependent companies worldwide and they would all be affected by a problem with the update

International Specialty

Legal Focus: The Israel-Gaza conflict and international law jurisprudence from the insurance market

Insurance industry jurisprudence has contributed significantly to solid international law principles that are desperately needed right now

Middle East and Africa Legal focus

Social unrest in Sri Lanka is a warning all international insurers should heed

Situation in Sri Lanka may be an indication of the type of losses the international insurance market should be readying itself for next, with signs pointing to social unrest in a number of other countries

International Political Risk and Trade

Viewpoint: Political violence wordings are a serious matter

Industry must get its act together and both draft, and apply, contracts and wordings in the correct manner

Political Risk and Trade Lloyds

Viewpoint: Insurers must avoid knee-jerk rejections of Covid-19 BI claims

Courts do not allow anyone to negate cover simply to avoid catastrophic losses to the industry


Latin America's attitude to contract law raises a new set of legal challenges

Main challenge could be dealing with challenges to the rules themselves

Casualty Property
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