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John Shutt

Latest From John Shutt

MMC and Zurich call for public-sector support on cyber cat resilience

Greater public-private action is needed for the development of innovative solutions to close the cyber insurance coverage gap, white paper argues

International Specialty

Global reinsurance capital rises 5.4% to $766bn during H1

Sector’s underlying return on equity climbs to 15.5% from 13.6% in the half-year period, driven by improved underlying underwriting results and higher investment income, according to Gallagher Re

North America International

Sixth Street's Enstar acquisition survives 'go-shop' period

Legacy specialist Enstar solicited bids from 34 potentially interested third parties but received no additional offers

Bermuda Enstar

Average annual insured catastrophe loss hits new high of $151bn

Rise in global insured catastrophe losses attributed to rapid urban expansion and exposure growth, the impact of climate change and variability, and rising frequency of events coupled with economic and social inflation

North America International

Chubb names QBE's Giardiello as global controller

Chubb People moves

WTW and Canopius launch property facility

Client Edge Facility provides additional US property capacity with a limit of up to $25m

United States Property
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