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Printed By


Louise Isted


Louise joined Insurance Day in 2023 from Bermuda:Re+ILS, where she was the editor.


Before entering the re/insurance space, Louise covered the energy sector in senior roles at the World Nuclear Association, Platts (S&P Global) and ICIS. She also worked as an energy markets reporter at Reuters and Argus Media.


She has a Postgraduate Diploma in periodicals journalism from the University of Cardiff and a Bachelor of Arts (Hons) degree in Russian from Durham University.


At Insurance Day, Louise is responsible for long-form content, including analyses, interviews, op-eds and special reports.


Louise was named the Insurance and Risk Profile Interviewer of the Year at the WTW 2024 Media Awards.

Latest From Louise Isted

Special report: emerging risks

Special report examines the metamorphosis of emerging risks into opportunities for re/insurers

Special Report

Mitchell-Wallace leaves Lloyd’s

Lloyd’s director of portfolio risk management is understood to be leaving for another role in the market

People moves Lloyds

Axa XL unveils ‘optimising resilience’ research on hurricanes

Cambridge Centre for Risk Studies research evaluates risk mitigation against more frequent and severe North American hurricanes

North America Property

Market ‘able to absorb’ another hurricane loss: Guy Carpenter

Reinsurers are in a stronger position this year to face an active storm season, broker’s chairman, David Priebe, and head of peril advisory, Josh Darr, say

International Guy Carpenter / Marsh

Reinsurers will ‘try to hold their gains’ at renewals: Guy Carpenter’s Klisura

Capital in the market remains strong and reinsurers will want to maintain discipline, while buyers will look to leverage strategic relationships, broker’s chief executive says ahead of the Rendez-Vous de Septembre

Guy Carpenter / Marsh Reinsurance

Ferma calls for EU working group on climate protection gap

Federation of European Risk Management Associations says permanent body needed to advise on EU climate adaptation strategy 

Europe Risk Management
See All
