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Printed By


Louise Isted


Louise joined Insurance Day in 2023 from Bermuda:Re+ILS, where she was the editor.


Before entering the re/insurance space, Louise covered the energy sector in senior roles at the World Nuclear Association, Platts (S&P Global) and ICIS. She also worked as an energy markets reporter at Reuters and Argus Media.


She has a Postgraduate Diploma in periodicals journalism from the University of Cardiff and a Bachelor of Arts (Hons) degree in Russian from Durham University.


At Insurance Day, Louise is responsible for long-form content, including analyses, interviews, op-eds and special reports.


Louise was named the Insurance and Risk Profile Interviewer of the Year at the WTW 2024 Media Awards.

Latest From Louise Isted

Re/insurers underscore role in climate action

Aon, Marsh and Swiss Re outline what they brought to, and took away from, talks at Cop29

International Climate change

Inland waterways are vulnerable to climate change

Research by Marsh details how low and high water levels each exacerbate the challenge of navigating inland routes

International Climate change

Everest launches insurance business in Italy

The launch in Italy follows the Bermuda-based group’s recent expansion into other key international markets

Europe Casualty

Managing general agents are extending their reach

Firms should ‘stay resilient’ to their underwriting principles when facing a reducing rating adequacy environment, Managing General Agents' Association chief executive says

United Kingdom Distribution

Claims are the barometer of operational quality

Bjørnar Andresen, chief underwriting officer of the world’s biggest protection and indemnity club, outlines how to manage the ups and downs of claims frequency

Insurance Containers

Claims are the barometer of operational quality: Gard CUO

Bjørnar Andresen, chief underwriting officer of the world’s biggest protection and indemnity club, outlines how to manage the ups and downs of claims frequency

Norway Specialty
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