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Printed By


Rebecca Hancock



Rebecca Hancock is a freelance journalist

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Casualty cedants face tough renewal talks amid reserve adequacy fears

As the Rendez-Vous de Septembre begins, cedants and their brokers are gearing up for challenging renewal discussions ahead of casualty covers incepting on January 1

International North America

Organisational culture poses the 'greatest obstacle' to innovation

Some 76% of respondents said market-changing disruption is 'very likely' or 'inevitable' over the next 10 years

Insurtech Technology

Reserve releases are a 'wild card', Moody's warns

Rating agency warns reserve releases have reached 'unsustainably high levels'


Insurance should play a more prominent role in government approach to flood defence

Yesterday’s budget increased funding for flood defence but did not address resilience 

United Kingdom Property

Liberty appoints Beechey to new global financial risks role

Andrew Beechey to grow global financial risks business from London

People moves Liberty

Canopius turns to State National for US admitted paper

 Will write on admitted paper in addition to surplus lines Lloyd’s syndicate 4444 paper 

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