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Printed By


Tomer Raanan

New York

Tomer Raanan is Lloyd’s List’s senior maritime reporter in the US. He is based in New York, where he enjoyed a decade-long career in private security before joining Lloyd’s List in 2022. Tomer Raanan has a background as a writer, researcher and analyst who has written for the South China Morning Post and Nikkei, publishers of the Financial Times, and has written, edited and translated for the Asia Policy Program in the Abba Eban Institute. He is experienced in trade & investment data analysis, in addition to FDI, security and technology issues. A graduate of SUNY Empire State College with a degree in Public Affairs, majoring in political science and economics, Tomer is also a military veteran and a devout Liverpool fan.

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Marad taps ABS to help decarbonise US shipping

The US Maritime Administration has selected ABS to establish and maintain the US Center for Maritime Innovation. The centre is ‘intended to support the adoption of clean energy on US vessels through a wide-ranging programme of research and development and training support’

Decarbonisation Sustainability

FMC sounds the alarm on retaliation by carriers and terminal operators

The Federal Maritime Commission has released a statement in light of current ‘supply chain challenges’, emphasising that retaliatory behaviour is a ‘serious violation of the law that carries significant penalties’

Containers Ports and Logistics

Belgian regulator orders Saverys family’s CMB to pay $36m

The Belgian financial regulator has order Euronav to pay shareholders who tendered shares during the mandatory takeover bid in March an extra $0.52 per share, and reopen the bid for those that did not at $12.66 per shares. The latter seems largely symbolic as the stock has been trading above that price

Tankers and Gas Finance

D’Amico exercises option on another chartered-in MR

Product tanker owner d’Amico International Shipping is pushing forward with its plans to exercise options on its chartered-in tonnage, and is doing so at ‘attractive’ prices

Tankers and Gas Product tankers

Genco expands fleet with $47.5m capesize acquisition

Genco Shipping has bought a 2016-built capesize for $47.5m. The acquisition, which comes against a backdrop of strong secondhand asset prices, will expand Genco’s capesize fleet to 17 vessels after its delivery

Dry Bulk Sale and Purchase

Oaktree offloads 3.5m Torm shares

Oaktree Capital has sold more of its stake in product tanker owner Torm, reducing its holdings to 42.4%

Tankers and Gas Finance
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